|   PAU

On 21 November 2019 was held at the Paris Institute of Political Studies, also known as Sciences Po Paris, a ceremony to honour the visiting lecturer of the year.

On 21 November 2019 was held at the Paris Institute of Political Studies, also known as Sciences Po Paris, a ceremony to honour the visiting lecturer of the year.

For the year 2019, this prize was awarded to Professor Joseph Vincent Ntuda Ebode, Director of the Pan African University Institute for Governance, Human and Social Sciences (PAUGHSS).

In fact, the Cameroonian academic fulfilled some criteria to be awarded this prize. They include amongst others.
Proven experience in academic management ;
Development of academic programmes (university training courses);
This distinction is therefore a reward for the huge scientific work and rich university career of Prof. Ntuda Ebode who is, should we recall it, Super scale Full University Professor.

The Pan African University which is a world-class institution of excellence welcomed this international recognition with a lot of pride and assurance, as it is proof of the high caliber of the human resource in its top management.


Graduation of PAUWES
20 - May 2019
Graduation of Pausti
20 - May 2019
Graduation of PAUWES
20 - May 2019