Start date
04.07.2019 - 08:10
End date
04.07.2019 - 09:10
This is the teaser of the first pausti event

The African Union Commission identified critical themes within the five institutes of the Pan African University, as key to the development of Africa and attainment of the vision of the African Union. These are hosted in the different PAU Institutes as follows: Water and Energy Sciences (including Climate Change) (PAUWES, Algeria); Basic Science, Technology and Innovation (PAUSTI; Kenya), Life and Earth Sciences (PAULESI, Nigeria); Governance, Humanities and Social Sciences (PAUGHSS, Cameroon); and Space Sciences (PAUSS, South Africa). PAU operates under the direction of the AUC Department of Human Resources, Science and Technology, as one University managed by a singular Rectorate, with a Senate supervised by a Council. 

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