The Jua House

Students from PAUWES, the University of Tlemcen and the National University of Lesotho have designed the Jua House: a net-zero-energy house using recyclable containers (...)
PAUWES, University of Tlemcen and National University of Lesotho students will compete as the only All-African Team in the Solar Decathlon Africa 2019. The Solar Decathlon is a global, biannual collegiate competition by the U.S. Department of Energy, that challenges teams of students from across the world to design and build highly efficient buildings powered by renewable energy. A team of PAUWES, University of Tlemcen and National University of Lesotho students from eight different countries across the continent will be the only All-African team competing at the Solar Decathlon AFRICA 2019 this coming September in Marocco, the first time this event will be held in the continent.
The team name is Jua Jamii, a Swahili phrase meaning ‘solar community’, and together they have designed the Jua House: a net-zero-energy house using recyclable containers which also seeks to preserve, modernize and embrace the African architectural heritage. The Jua House not only addresses Africa’s need for climate change adaptation, but the student-led initiative also addresses goals of the AU Agenda 2063 – the Africa We Want and the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Developments.
Currently the Jua Jamii team is working on acquiring the necessary construction materials for the Jua House while working in close collaboration with their partner, Groupe des Sociétés Hasnaoui for the procurement of those materials from Algeria to Morocco. Simultaneously, two of the team members are visiting Morocco to meet several partners including Qenitra University and the partner construction company.
The construction process is expected to end by September 13th and the public exhibition will take place from September 13th-27th, when the winner of the Solar Decathlon will be announced.