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Student Call for Academic Year 2019/2020

|   PAU

The Pan African University has the honor to inform the African Member States of the launching of the 2019-2020 Call for Applications for the recruitment of students at the Pan African University.

The Pan African University has the honor to inform the African Member States of the launching of the 2019-2020 Call for Applications for the recruitment of students at the Pan African University.  The Call has been officially launched on 14 May 2019 on AU and PAU websites  and The closing date for applications is set for 27 June 2019.

Established through Decision (Assembly/AU/Dec.290 (XV)) in Kampala, Uganda during the 15th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of African Union Heads of State and Government, PAU became fully operational in 2013. It is the first continental university network providing quality post-graduate training and oriented towards the realization of a prosperous, integrated and peaceful Africa.

The Pan African University further has the honour to request the Member States to ensure nationwide dissemination of the information in their respective countries through the various media to inform the general public and especially qualified, talented and enterprising youths from Africa or the Diaspora.