Master of Arts in Conference Interpreting

French, English, Ngambay
A Chadian national, passionate about Project management, International trade, Translation and Interpretation (Ngambay, English, Arabic and French), Amne is a result-oriented and hardworking professional. As for hobbies, he is fond of travelling and music.

Bassé André
French, English, Fongbé

Bizongwako Arnaud
French, English, Kirundi
Arnaud is a Conference Interpreter, Translator and Linguist from Burundi. He interprets and translates from and into French, English and Kirundi. His areas of interest are, among others, environment, geopolitics, and international trade. His hobbies are sports and socializing.

Djoumessi Tonleu Carine Laure
French, English, Yemba
As a young and dynamic Translator and Interpreter working into English, French and Yemba, Carine's role is to act as a conduit and help make communication possible between people speaking different languages. Carine is interested in several areas including Economy, Agriculture and Education.

Edea Diane Folakè
French, English, Fongbé
Edea Folakè Diane is an Interpreter, Translator, and Tour Guide from Benin. She is also an Alumnus of the Mandela Washington Fellowship Program for Young African Leaders. She works from and into French, English, Yoruba and Fongbé. Her hobbies include reading and networking.

Fachehoun Ayédoun Appolinaire
French, English, Fongbé
FACHEHOUN is Translator and Conference Interpreter with a language combination French-English-Fongbe. Besides translation and interpretation he likes reading, travelling and having associative life.

Koné Fanda
Français, Anglais, Dioula
Côte d'Ivoire
Fanda likes working with people, learning their culture and above all their languages as well as reading and travelling. She interprets from and into French, English and Dioula. She stands for promoting girls education.

Sefande Michael Issohatè
French, English, Fongbé
Michaël is an African Union Youth Volunteer working at ACALAN as a Translator/Conference Interpreter. His motto: "Foster Africa’s integration and development through the development and promotion of African languages in all fields in Africa". His working languages are French, English, Fon, Dendi.

Tinsoba Ben Halid Moubarak
French, English, Mooré
Burkina Faso
As a Conference Interpreter, Moubarak considers himself as a key actor in the globalization process. He easily integrates in societies. Moubarak always seeks to leave a positive mark for the sake of communities. Apart from interpreting, Moubarak likes reading novels, listening to Nigerian musicians like Yemi Alade and designing professional websites. He is an aspiring diplomat and anti-terrorism and nonproliferation expert.

Wotoh Kodjo Gladstone
French, English, Ewe
Master of Arts in Translation

Dokotala Boniface

Dagan Charlie
French, English, Fongbé
Charlie likes discovering new people and historic places. Interests: economy, marketing and business, project and conflict management, environment, agriculture, sustainable development, viral diseases, climate change and renewable energy. His working languages are French, English and Fongbé.

Edafe Uzuazor
English, French, Isoko
Edafe is a go-getter, ready to make impact and excel in her field through commitment, hard work, innovation and perseverance. She is passionate about terminology, especially from and into African languages. She loves teaching, and is interested in peace studies, conflict resolution and human rights. Her favourite quote is “follow excellence and success will chase you”.

Imani Kizungu
French, English, Kiswahili
Democratic Republic of Congo
Imani grew up in a multicultural and multi-linguistic environment in the African Great Lakes subregion and is passionate about writing, teaching, languages, journalism, public relations and humanitarian. His working languages are French, Kiswahili and English. He is and has always been committed to promoting the Kiswahili language through trainings and journalism. He looks forward to carrying out further research on the Kiswahili language, focused on translation and interpretation fields, for its greater spreading throughout the African continent and the world in general.

Kaltouma Ibrahim
French, English

Koumo Berthe Jacky Magloire
French, English, Tuna

Mahouna Mawulolo Koffi
French, English, Ewe
Koffi is a translator to whom easing communication is a passion. He provides high-quality language services from English into French and Ewe. Strict adherence to ethics and respect of deadlines are some of his qualities. His interests include a work well done and a client’s satisfaction.

Tionon Baowendnéré Christian
French, English, Mooré
Burkina Faso
Passionate about languages, Christian is studying a M.A. in Translation from the Pan African University. He enjoys working as a Translator because it is an activity of constant discovery. He offers translation and language services in the following languages: French, English and Mooré.
2018 Batch

Ady Namaran Coulibaly
English, French
Côte d'Ivoire
M.A. Conference Interpreting

Amouna Ahmat Oumar
Arabic, English, French
M.A. Conference Interpreting

Ashley Nyamukondiwa
English, French
M.A. Conference Interpreting

Coami Achille Yaya
French, English
M.A. Conference Interpreting

Elvis Chemeni
French, English
M.A. Translation

Esso-Samah Tidjow
French, English
M.A. Conference Interpreting

Jean Aimé Ishimwe
French, English
M.A. Translation

Thècle Ruth Bume Motale
French, English
M.A. Conference Interpreting

Wendmanégda Richard Kabré
French, English
Burkina Faso
M.A. Conference Interpreting

Winnie Engola
French, English
M.A. Conference Interpreting

Yao Selom Saka
French, English
Côte d'Ivoire
M.A. Translation
Nom | Nationality | Diploma and Language combination | Year of defence |
Bwambayeko Monday Israel | Tanzania |
Master in Conference Interpreting Kis.A-Eng.B-Fre.C | 2015 |
Dadjo Dongmo Arnaud | Cameroon |
Master in Conference Interpreting Fre.A-Eng.B | 2015 |
Jesca Abuti Muyia | Kenya |
Master in Conference Interpreting Kis.A-Eng.B-Fre.C | 2015 |
Dongmo Tsamo Sandrine | Cameroon |
Master in Conference Interpreting Fre.A-Eng.B | 2015 |
Lilliane Atieno Oloo | Kenya |
Master in Conference Interpreting Eng. A-Kis.B | 2015 |
Azemngang Augustin Rossel | Cameroon |
Master of Arts in Translation Fre.A-Eng.B-Spa.C | 2015 |
Dongmo Kenfack Luc William | Cameroon |
Master of Arts in Translation Fre.A-Eng.B-Spa.C | 2015 |
Doumbia Siaka | Cote d’Ivoire |
Master of Arts in Translation Fre.A-Eng.B | 2015 |
Fofana Abdoulaye | Senegal |
Master of Arts in Translation Fre.A-Eng.B | 2015 |
Misozi Shukuru Ernest | Tanzania |
Master of Arts in Translation Kis.A-Eng.B-Fre.C | 2015 |
Moustapha Fall | Senegal | Master en TraductionMaster of Arts in TranslationFra.A-Eng.B-Ara.C | 2016 |
Emmanuel Kwasi Owusu | Ghana |
Master of Arts in Translation Fre.A-Eng.B-Spa.C | 2016 |
Okounou-Ayakotapoko Therjea | Congo |
Master in Conference Interpreting Fre.A-Eng.B | 2018 |
Adigwe Joseph Chinedu | Nigeria |
Master in Conference Interpreting Eng.A-Fre.B | 2018 |
Teuma Joselyne Gertrude | Cameroon |
Master in Conference Interpreting Eng.A-Fre.B | 2018 |
Mohamadou Ba | Senegal |
Master in Conference Interpreting Fre.A-Eng.B | 2018 |
Neema Amani Ngoda | Tanzania |
Master in Conference Interpreting Kis.A-Eng.B-Fre.C | 2018 |
Fogang Francis | Cameroon |
Master in Conference Interpreting Eng.A-Fre. B | 2018 |
Japhari Salum | Tanzania |
Master of Arts in Translation Kis.A-Eng.B-Fre. C | 2018 |
Diatta Justin | Senegal |
Master of Arts in Translation Fre.A-Eng.B | 2018 |
Ndongo Essomba Elodie Marie | Cameroon |
Master of Arts in Translation Fre.A-Eng.B | 2018 |
Eric Dusabimana | Rwanda |
Master of Arts in Translation Fre.A-Eng.B | 2018 |
Pouamou Gilliane Elsa | Cameroon |
Master of Arts in Translation Fre.A-Eng.B | 2018 |
Tidjow Essso-Sama | Togo |
Master in Conference Interpreting Fre.A-Eng.B | 2018 |
Kabré Wendmanegda Richard | Burkina Faso |
Master in Conference Interpreting Fre.A-Eng.B | 2018 |
Coulibaly Addy Namaran | Côte d’Ivoire |
Master in Conference Interpreting Eng.A-Fre.B | 2018 |
Amouna Ammat Oumar | Chad |
Master in Conference Interpreting Ara.A-Eng.B-Fre.C | 2018 |
Mathias Bassene | Senegal |
Master in Conference Interpreting Fre.A-Eng.B-Kisw.C | 2018 |
Habiyakare Innocent | Rwanda |
Master in Conference Interpreting Fre.A-Eng.B-Kis.C | 2018 |
Nyamukondiwa Ashley | Zimbabwe |
Master in Conference Interpreting Eng.A-Fre.B | 2018 |
Engola Mfegue Jeanne Winnie | Cameroon |
Master in Conference Interpreting Fre.A-Eng.B | 2018 |
Motale Bume Thecle Ruth | Cameroon |
Master in Conference Interpreting Fre.A-Eng.B | 2018 |
Neh Liliane Williams | Cameroon |
Master in Conference Interpreting Eng.A-Fre.B | 2018 |
Yaya Coami Achile | Benin |
Master in Conference Interpreting Fre.A-Eng.B | 2018 |
Heugang Simo Alix Belise | Cameroon |
Master of Arts in Translation Fre.A-Eng.B | 2018 |
Chemeni Elvis | Cameroon |
Master of Arts in Translation Fre.A-Eng.B | 2018 |
Ishimwe Jean Aimé | Rwanda |
Master of Arts in Translation Eng.A-Fre.B | 2018 |
Saka Yao Selom | Togo |
Master of Arts in Translation Fre.A-Eng.B | 2018 |
Djoumessi Carine Laure Tonle | Cameroon |
Master of Arts in Conference Interpreting Fre.A-Eng.B | 2019 |
Edea Diane Folakè | Benin |
Master of Arts in Conference Interpreting Fre.A-Eng.B | 2019 |
Bizongwako Arnaud | Burundi |
Master of Arts in Conference Interpreting Fre.A-Eng.B | 2019 |
Tinsoba Ben Halid Moubarak | Burkina Faso |
Master of Arts in Conference Interpreting Fre.A-Eng.B | 2019 |
Wotoh Kodjo Senyo Gladstone | Togo |
Master of Arts in Conference Interpreting Fre.A-Eng.B | 2019 |
Amné Osée | Tchad |
Master of Arts in Conference Interpreting Fre.A-Eng.B | 2019 |
Fachehoun Ayedoun Appolinaire | Benin |
Master of Arts in Conference Interpreting Fre.A-Eng.B | 2019 |
Koné Fanda | Cote d'Ivoire |
Master of Arts in Conference Interpreting Fre.A-Eng.B | 2019 |
Bassé André | Benin |
Master of Arts in Conference Interpreting Fre.A-Eng.B | 2019 |
Edafé Uzuazor | Nigeria |
Master of Arts in Translation Eng.A-Fre.A | 2019 |
Dokotala Boniface | Malawi |
Master of Arts in Translation Eng.A-Fre.B | 2019 |
Tionon Baowendnéré Christian | Burkina Faso |
Master of Arts in Translation Fre.A-Eng.B | 2019 |
Dagan Charlie Ahowanou BIazz | Benin |
Master of Arts in Translation Fre.A-Eng.B | 2019 |
Mahouna Koffi Mawulolo | Togo |
Master of Arts in Translation Fre.A-Eng.B | 2019 |
Koumo Jacky Berthe Magloire | Cameroon |
Master of Arts in Translation Fre.A-Eng.B | 2019 |
Kaltouma Ibrahim | Tchad |
Master of Arts in Translation Fre.A-Eng.B | 2019 |
Imani Kizungu Jean-Bosco | Democratic Republic of Congo | Master of Arts in Translation | 2019 |