Master of Science (Mechanical Engineering)


One of the major professional fields that can facilitate technological innovations for Africa’s transformation is mechanical engineering which is one of the most diversified and dynamically evolving engineering disciplines.   Mechanical engineers design and build machines, systems and devices that enable humans to live and work on the ground, in space, in the air and under water.  Their machines can extend our physical capabilities, improve our health and standard of living, and impact the environment in which we live.  Much of what all engineers can or cannot do depends on the materials that are available for their tasks.  Thus, mechanical engineers are also involved in studying and modifying not only mechanical properties, but also chemical and electrical properties to develop new applications possible.  Almost every aspect of our modern world is in some way a product of mechanical engineering, from power stations and oil refineries to steel plants and manufacturing industries.

This graduate programme of Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering is designed to produce a mechanical engineering professional, who is an innovator and has managerial skills for social and economic transformation of Africa.   In addition, the programme is de- signed to produce graduates with the ability to pursue independent research and scholarly work.  The courses offered are tailored to meet the requirements for the industries and institutions for Africa’s long term development for economic growth.   Through this programme, employees from industries, state corporations, and public/private universities across Africa will be trained.

The graduate program mixes engineering practice with analysis, and addresses the following critical broad areas of emphasis in mechanical engineering:   Applied mechanics, materials engineering, thermal engineering, fluid engineering, energy systems, industrial engineering, production engineering and engineering product design.  Therefore, this programme of Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering, will be offered in any of the following specialized areas of mechanical engineering:

Aims and Objectives

The aim of this programme is to produce qualified Mechanical Engineers with specialized technical, managerial, research and innovative skills. The objectives of the Master of Science programme in Mechanical Engineering are:

  1. To provide the students with an understanding of the advanced engineering tools and concepts that apply to mechanical engineering.
  2. To prepare the student to perform independent research in the area of mechanical engineering.
  3. To prepare students to practice engineering at an advanced level
  4. To prepare students to pursue doctoral studies in mechanical engineering or a related field.
  5. To develop student’s communication skills and professionalism.
  6. To develop the student’s managerial and leadership skills necessary for managing engineering projects and firms.
  7. To equip the students with design, innovative and entrepreneurship skills for development of home-grown solutions to Africa’s problems.

Doctor of Philosophy (Mechanical Engineering)


Technological innovation plays an important role in economic growth and competitiveness of any country. Over half of the global economic growth since the end of World War II can be directly attributed to technological innovation. Mostly, technological innovation leads to product development which consequently lead to manufacturing-based industries. Other than job creation, the manufacturing-based industries also contribute to the patents and balance of trade, all of which are critical in the economic growth of any country.

Africa has lagged behind in technological innovation despite her vast natural resources, human resource and the broad necessity. This has led to the continent having very little manufacturing-based industries. The consequence of this has been lack of employment opportunities and more importation of manufactured products which has negatively affected the balance of trade.


This graduate programme of Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering is designed to produce a mechanical engineering researcher, who is an innovator and has managerial skills for social and economic transformation of Africa. In addition, the programme is designed to provide students with intensive advanced training in research that leads to the highest level of scholarly achievement, while contributing to the existing body of knowledge, and enable them to conduct research independently to address new challenges as innovators. The courses offered are tailored to meet the requirements for the industries and institutions for Africa’s long term development for economic growth.

In addition, this doctoral programme is designed to satisfy the demands for researchers posed by higher education institutions, industry, the society and the governments through building international academic and research capacity within the African continent. Through this programme, employees from industries, state corporations, and public/private universities across Africa will be trained.

The graduate program mixes engineering practice with analysis, and addresses the following critical broad areas of emphasis in mechanical engineering: Applied mechanics, materials engineering, thermal engineering, fluid engineering, energy systems, industrial and production engineering. Therefore, this programme of Doctor of Philosophy degree in Mechanical Engineering, will be offered in any of the following specialized areas of mechanical engineering:

Target Groups

This programme is intended for graduates with a Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering or closely related fields who wish to study further or expand their range of research expertise in Mechanical Engineering. In particular, the programme targets the following groups:

  1. Engineers and managers from industry and public sector who wish to expand their range of expertise in Mechanical Engineering
  2. Researchers from academic and research institutions and industry intending to carry out research in Mechanical Engineering.
  3. Individual entrepreneurs who wish to further their studies and improve their research, technical and innovative skills in Mechanical Engineering.


Aims and Objectives

The aim of this programme is to produce qualified researchers, innovators, educators and consultants in the field of Mechanical Engineering for social and economic transformation of Africa. This is through the accomplishment of independent and original research work, the reporting thereof in a research thesis and a subsequent oral defense.

The objectives of the Doctor of Philosophy programme in Mechanical Engineering are:

  1. To develop skills for scientific research through training and rigorous research leading to a PhD thesis.
  2. To prepare the student to perform independent research in the area of mechanical engineering.
  3. To provide an understanding of the advanced engineering tools and concepts that apply to mechanical engineering.
  4. To prepare students to practice engineering at an advanced level.
  5. To develop student’s communication skills and professionalism.
  6. To develop the student’s managerial and leadership skills necessary for managing engineering projects and firms.
  7. To provide the student with innovative and entrepreneurship skills for development of home-grown solutions to Africa’s problems.