The PAU is a research-rich environment. All programmes are graduate programmes that majorly focus on research for the development of the Africa. There are five PAU institutes and each Institute has centres with a strong research emphasis. The thematic areas of the PAU project draw on expertise across Africa. Linkages are being established between the PAU and Industry players for student absorption and commercialization of research innovations.
Research at the PAU has an international dimension. The PAU’s major network of international partners ensures a flow of students and eminent scholars from other countries to enrich the research environment. Some major projects will be undertaken jointly with partners abroad and across Africa. The goal is to have many PAU scholars speak at international conferences and publish in internationally-respected journals and books. PAU is creating a strong relationship with institutions in other countries in Africa, Europe, Asia and America, leading to research partnerships, joint capacity building, and a flow of postgraduate students to PAU.
Authors | Year | Title | Name of the Journal | Volume | Page | Cohort | Graduation | |
Civil Engineering | ||||||||
1 | Victoria A.Okumu, Walter O. Oyawa, and Stanley M. Shitote. | 2016 | The Effect of The Properties of Constituent Materials On The Quality Of Concrete in Kenya | 3rd | 3rd | |||
2 | I.T.Ezekiel,N.Maurice,and K.Maurice | 2016 | Seawater Intrusion Vulnerability Assessement of a Coastal Aquifer:North Coast Of Mombasa,Kenya as Case Study | International Journal Of Engineering Research And Application | 6(8) | 37-45 | 2nd | 2nd |
3 | E.Momanyi,R.Mutuku, and Z. Gariy | 2016 | Utilization of Green Waste Foundry Sand In Concret Paver Blocks | Journal of MultiDisplinary Engineering Science Studies | 2(10) | 935-941 | 2nd | 2nd |
4 | E.Momanyi,R.Mutuku, and Z. Gariy | 2016 | Reuse of Chemically Bonde Waste Foundry Sand In Structural Concrete | International Journal Of Science and Research | 5(10) | 1774-1779 | 2nd | 2nd |
5 | B.M Mutua, T.Nyomboi, nd R.N Mutuku | 2016 | Consistency,Setting Times and Chemical Properties of Sugarcane Bagasse Ash Cement | International Journal Of Science and Research | 5(10) | 520-524 | 2nd | 2nd |
6 | B.M Mutua, T.Nyomboi, nd R.N Mutuku | 2017 | Relationship Between Cylinder Tensile Split and Flexural Strengths With Compressive Strength Of Glass Concrete Made Using Bagasse Ash Cement | International Journal Of Science and Research | 6(5) | 2015-2018 | 2nd | 2nd |
7 | B.M Mutua, T.Nyomboi, nd R.N Mutuku | 2017 | Cylinder Tensile Split and Flexural Strengths Behaviour of Glass Concrete Made Using Bagasse Ash Cement | International Journal Of Science and Research | 6(5) | 2015-2018 | 2nd | 2nd |
8 | B.M Mutua, T.Nyomboi, nd R.N Mutuku | 2017 | Workability and Comprehensive Strength Behaviour of Glass Concrete Made Using Bagasse Ash Cement | International Journal Of Science and Research | 6(5) | 796-800 | 2nd | 2nd |
9 | A.M Almaleeh,S.M Shitote, and T. Nyomboi, | 2017 | Use of Waste Rubber Tyres as Aggregate in Concrete | Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction Technology | 8(2) | 011-019 | 2nd | 2nd |
10 | L.Rostand,D.Deffo,R.N Mutuku, and T.Nyomboi | 2017 | Strength Perfomance of Silicate Limestone Compressed Bricks | Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction Technology | 2nd | 2nd | ||
11 | N.S Mawo,R.O. Onchiri,and S.M.Shitote | 2017 | Perfomance of Self-Compacting Concrete Made with Hydraulic Lime as Filler | Journal of Civil Engineering and Construction Technology | 8(3) | 20-25 | 2nd | 2nd |
12 | O.Ismael,S.Joseph,and K.H Patrick | 2017 | Hec-Hms Model for Runoff Simulation in Ruiru Reservoir Watershed | 2nd | 2nd | |||
13 | Belachew Asteray , Walter Oyawa, and Stanley Shitote | 2017 | Experimental Investigation on Compressive Strength of Recycled Reactive Powder Concrete Containing Glass Powder and Rice Husk Ash | Journal of Civil Engineering Research | 7.4 | 124-129 | 3rd | 3rd |
14 | Victoria A.Okumu, Walter O. Oyawa, and Stanley M. Shitote. | 2017 | Determination of Appropriate Mix Proportions for the Kenyan Blended Portland Cement Concrete Production. | American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS) | 31.1 | 265-286 | 3rd | 3rd |
15 | Victoria Akoth Okumu,Stanley Muse Shitote, and Walter Odhiambo Oyawa | 2017 | Influence of Constituent Materials Properties on the Compressive Strength of in Situ Concrete in Kenya | Open Journal of Civil Engineering | 7.01 | 63-81 | 3rd | 3rd |
16 | Ndayambaje J.Claude,Prof. Richard Onchiri,Prof.Walter O. Oyawa | 2017 | Combined Effect Of Recycled Tyre Steel Fibre and Crumb Rubber on Impact Resistance Of Concrete | 3rd | 3rd | |||
17 | Ndayambaje J.Claude,Prof. Richard Onchiri,Prof.Walter O. Oyawa | 2017 | Cumulative Effect of Recycled Tyre Steel Fibre and Crumb Rubber on Impact Resistance of Concrete | 3rd | 3rd | |||
18 | Awetehagn Tuaum, Stanley Muse Shitote, and Walter Odhiambo Oyawa. | 2018 | Experimental Evaluation on Light Transmittance Performance of Translucent Concrete. | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | 13.2 | 1209-1218 | 3rd | 3rd |
19 | Awetehagn Tuaum, Stanley Shitote, and Walter Odhiambo Oyawa. | 2018 | Experimental Study of Self-Compacting Mortar Incorporating Recycled Glass Aggregate | Buildings | 8.2 | 15 | 3rd | 3rd |
20 | Belachew Asteray Demiss,Walter Odhiambo Oyawa and Stanley Muse Shitote | 2018 | Compressive and Flexural Strength of Recycled Reactive Powder Concrete Containing Finely Dispersed Local Wastes:Experimental Investigation. | Open Journal of Civil Engineering | 8.01 | 12-26 | 3rd | 3rd |
21 | Caroline M Athman,Silvester O Abuodha,Timothy Nyomboi | Use Of Gum Arabic as a Superplasticizer In Self-Compacting Concrete | International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME) | 5(4) | 3rd | 3rd | ||
22 | Tejiona Tangomo Frank Roland, Ochieng Abuodha Silvester, Shitote Stanley Muse, Poh’Sie Guillaume Herve | 2018 | Properties of Lightweight Concrete made with Volcanic Scoria from Kenya, as Coarse Aggregates | International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME) | 5 | 8-14 | 3rd | 3rd |
23 | Ermias Gebrekrstos Tesfamariam,Patrick G.Home &John M.Gatheya | Statistical Analysis Of Relationship Between The Fow Regime and Riverine Ecosystems in The Umba River, Kenya | 4th | 4th | ||||
24 | Salim A.Zimbu,Joseph Thuo and Nathaniel Ambassah | Evaluation of the Perfomance of Reinforced Red Coffee Soils Embankments Subject To Rainfall Event | Civil Engineering Journal | 10(10) | 001-012 | 4th | 4th | |
25 | Ninyonkuru,P.Sang,J.K.Nyadawa,M.O.and Munyaneza | Calibration and Validation of SWMM for Storm Water Runoff Modelling in Nyabugogo Catchment Rwanda | 4th | 4th | ||||
26 | Faith M.Muema,Patrick G.Home and James M.Raude | Application of Benchmarking and Principal Component Anlysis In Measuring Perfomance of Public Irrigation Scheme in Kenya | 4th | 4th | ||||
27 | Mulusew Adrew Getahun.Stanley Muse Shitote and Zachary C.Abiero Gariy | Experimental Investigation on Engineering Properties Of Concrete Incorporating Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement and Rice Husk Ash | 4th | 4th | ||||
28 | Abass Aboyima Okeola,Silvester Ochieng ABuodha and John Mwero | Experimental Investigation of the Physical and Mechanical Properties of Sisal Fiber-Reinforced Concrete | 4th | 4th | ||||
29 | Mulusew Adrew Getahun.Stanley Muse Shitote and Zachary C.Abiero Gariy | 2018 | Artifial Neural Network Based Modelling Approach for Strength Prediction of Concrete Incorporating Agricultural and Construction Wastes | Construction and Building Materials | 190(2018) | 517-525 | 4th | 4th |
30 | Oleng Morri,C. Kanali,,Zachary C. A. Gariy,E. Ronoh, | 2018 | Physical and Chemical Properties of Crushed Ceramic and Porcelain Clay Tile Powder | International Journal of IT, Engineering and Applied Sciences Research (IJIEASR | 7(7) | 2319-4413 | 4 | 4 |
31 | Nounagnon A. Vodounon1*, Christopher Kanali2, John Mwero3 | 2018 | Compressive and Flexural Strengths of Cement Stabilized Earth Bricks Reinforced with Treated and Untreated Pineapple Leaves Fibres | Open Journal of Composite Materials, | 8 | 145-160 | ||
32 | Jacinta M. Muema1*, J.W. Kaluli2, J.M. Gathenya2 and B.M. Mwangi3 | Evaluation of Wetland Loss in Maragua Watershed, Murang’a County, Kenya | ||||||
33 | ||||||||
Electrical Engineering | ||||||||
30 | N.Nkamwesiga,D.B.O.Konditi and H.A.Ouma | 2016 | Mobility Prediction Optimization of Mobile Hosts In smart Antennas Systems Using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Infrence System | Journal of Suistanable Research in Engineering | 3(3) | 63-73 | 2nd | 2nd |
31 | N.Madjissembaye,C.M.Muriithi and C.W.Wekesa | 2016 | Load Flow Analysis for Radial Distribution Networks Using Backward/Forward Sweep Method | Journal of Suistanable Research in Engineering | 3(3) | 82-87 | 2nd | 2nd |
32 | N.Madjissembaye,C.M.Muriithi and C.W.Wekesa,L.Thiaw | 2016 | Optimal Siting and Sizing of Single SPV System in Radial Distribution Network for Loss Reduction Based On Maximum Power Saving Technique. | International Journal of Modern Engineering Research | 6(7) | 30-36 | 2nd | 2nd |
33 | J.M.Mutua,G.N.Nyakoe and V.K.Oduol | 2016 | CPICH Power Control for 3G Cellular Networks for Cell Capacity Improvement Based On Fuzzy Logic Control | Journal Suistainable Research in Engineering | 3(2) | 37-46 | 2nd | 2nd |
34 | H.S.Zawaira,G.N.Nyakoe and C.M Muriithi | 2016 | Development of a Fault Location and Identification System for Underground Transmission Cables Based on Wavelet-ANFIS Method | Journal Suistainable Research in Engineering | 3(3) | 74-81 | 2nd | 2nd |
35 | E.Kwizera,E.Mwangi,and D.B.O.Konditi | 2016 | Perfomance Evaluation of Direction of Arrival Estimation Using Uniform and Non-uniform Linear Arrays | Journal of Suistanable Research in Engineering | 3(2) | 29-36 | 2nd | 2nd |
36 | E.Kwizera,E.Mwangi,and D.B.O.Konditi | 2016 | Direction of Arrival Estimation Based on Music Algorithm Using Uniform and Non-Uniform Linear Arrays | International Journal Engineering Research and Application | 7(3) | 51-58 | 2nd | 2nd |
37 | A.M.Willy,P.Kihato and V.Oduol | 2016 | Fuzzy Logic Basrd Smart User Selection for Spectrum Sensing Under Spatially Correlated Shadowing | Journal of Suistanable Research in Engineering | 3(2) | 47-52 | ||
38 | T.Salih,E.Mwangi and K.Langat | 2017 | Large Scale Fading Pre-coder for Massive MIMO Without Cell Cooperation | Emerging Trends in Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering | 2nd | 2nd | ||
39 | M.S.Nirere,C.M.Muriithi and C.Wekesa | 2017 | Voltage Profile Improvement Using Switched Capacitors:Case of Single Wire Earth Return Distribution Network | International Journal of Modern Engineering Research | 7(2) | 78-85 | 2nd | 2nd |
40 | H.S.Zawaira,G.N.Nyakoe and C.M Muriithi | 2017 | Development of a Wavelet-ANFIS based fault location system for under-ground power cables | IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering | 12(1) | 45-50 | 2nd | 2nd |
41 | Joseph Paulin Nafack Azebaze, Elijah Mwangi, and Dominic B.O. Konditi. | 2017 | Performance Analysis of the LMS Adaptive Algorithm for Adaptive Beamforming | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | 12.22 | 12735-12745 | 3rd | 3rd |
42 | Seife Gebreslassie Temalow,Elijah Mwangi and Kibet Langat | 2017 | Neuro-Fuzzy Based Adaptive Coding And Modulation For Perfomance Improvement in OFDM Wireless Systems | 3rd | 3rd | |||
43 | Joseph Nkurunziza, Elijah Mwangi and Dominic B.O.Konditi | 2017 | An Investigation of Direction of Arrival Estimation Scheme for Correlated Signals in Wireless Communication Systems | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | 12.22 | 12332-12341 | 3rd | 3rd |
44 | Veronicah M. Mualuko, Peter K. Kihato and Vitalice Oduol | 2017 | Routing Optimization for Wireless Sensor Networks using Fuzzy Ant Colony | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | 12 | 11606-11613 | 3rd | 3rd |
45 | Zelalem Hailu , Philip Kibet Langat and Ciira Wa Maina | 2017 | Rate Adaptive ACO-OFDM on Multipath Channels for Enhancing Spectral Efficency | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | 12 | 11029-11034 | 3rd | 3rd |
46 | Zelalem Hailu, Kibet Langat, and Ciira Maina | 2017 | Stratified ACO-OFDM Modulation for Simultaneous Transmission of Multiple Frames Both on Even and Odd Subcarriers | Journal of Communications | 12 | 5 | 3rd | 3rd |
47 | Chrianus Kajuna, Claudio Sacchi, Kibet Langat and Talha F. Rahman | 2017 | Space Time Shift Keying (STSK) MIMO based on Constant Envelope Multicarrier Multiple Access in Different Antenna Configuration Under AWGN Channel | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research | 12 | 15848-15854 | 3rd | 3rd |
48 | Hugor Ininahazwe,Christopher Maina Muriithi, and Stanley Kamau | 2018 | Optimal Demand-Side Management for Smart Micro Grid with Storage | Journal of Power and Energy Engineering | 6.02 | 38-58 | 3rd | 3rd |
49 | Gaoussou Cissé, Nyomboi Timothy, James Wambua Kaluli, Taleb Omar | 2018 | Effect of Limestone Filler and Waste Ceramic Tile Aggregates on the Workability of Self-Compacting Concrete | International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME) | 5 | 1-8 | 3rd | 3rd |
50 | Erick Oibi,George Nyaoke,Cyrus Wekesa | Optimal Placement and Sizing of Grid-Tied SPV for Power Loss Reduction and Voltage Profile Improvement. | 3rd | 3rd | ||||
51 | Roger D.Kemtchangi,Dominic B.O Konditi,Elijah Mwangi(Electrical) | Design of a 2GHz Microstrip Antenna forWireless Application Using Cross-Shaped Patch Aperture. | 3rd | 3rd | ||||
52 | Emmanuel Nsengiyumvaa,J.M.Saulo and G.N.Nyakoe | Application of Adaptive Protection Scheme in Distribution Networks with Distributed Generation | 3rd | 3rd | ||||
53 | Emmanuel Nsengiyumvaa,J.M.Saulo and G.N.Nyakoe | Adaptive Protection Scheme in Distribution Networks Considering Intermitency of DG Using Fuzzy Logic Controller | 3rd | 3rd | ||||
54 | Fuseini S.Ibrahimi,Dominic Konditi,Stephen Musyoki | Smart Irrigation System in Using a Fuzzy Using a Fuzzy Logic Method | 3rd | 3rd | ||||
55 | Samson O. Ungail,Vitalice K.Oduol,Stephen Musyoki | Analysis of the Impact of Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) Algorithm on Handover Decisions | International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. | 11(6) | 939-949 | 3rd | 3rd | |
56 | Welma Nyabuto,Christopher Maina | Dynamic Voltage Stability Analysis on Shore-to-Ship Power Connected System. | 3rd | 3rd | ||||
57 | Wilbert Ruta Michael,Saulo Nicodemus,Abungu Odera | Emission Constrained Economic Dispatch Using Moth Flame Optimization and Bat Hybrid Algorithm | International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology | 11(5) | 827-843 | 3rd | 3rd | |
58 | Juma S A,Ngoo L M and Muriithi C M | A Review on Optimal Network Reconfiguration in the Radial Distribution System using Optimization Techniques | 3rd | 3rd | ||||
59 | Rabiu Aminu ,Elijah Mwangi ,Edward Ndungu | Suppresssion of Impulse Noise in Colour Images UsingbQuaternion Transformation and Vector Median Filtering | 3rd | 3rd | ||||
60 | Eva Asiimwei Elijah Mwangi ,Dominic B.O Konditi | A Matrix Pencil Method For The Efficient Computation of Direction of Arrival Estimation for Weakly Correlated Signals Using Uniform Linear Array in a LowSNR Regime | ||||||
Juma S. A,Muriithi C. M,Ngoo L. M | Optimal Switching Sequence using a Metaheuristic Algorithm for Feeder Reconfiguration | International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology | 11(8) | 1329-1346 | 3 | 3 | ||
61 | ||||||||
Mathematics | ||||||||
61 | T.Nabirye,P.Ngare and J.Mungatu | 2016 | Foreign Exchange Derivative Pricing with Stochastic Correlation | Journal of Matehmatical Finance | 6 | 887-900 | 2nd | 2nd |
62 | S.Pyeye,C.K.Syengo,L.Odongo,G.O.Orwa and R.O Odhiambo | 2016 | Imputation Based on Local Linear Regression for Nonmonotone Nonrespondents in Longitudinal Surveys | Open Journal Of Statistics | 6 | 1138-1154 | 2nd | 2nd |
63 | R.Katende,D.Seck and P.Ngare | 2016 | On the Location OF A Free Boundary for American Options | Journal of Mathematical Finance | 6 | 930-943 | 2nd | 2nd |
64 | O.A Joshua P.N Mwita and C.N Ngenja | 2016 | Estimating Dependence Structure and Risk of Financial Market Crash | International Journal of Statitics and Probability | 5(6) | 85-93 | 2nd | 2nd |
65 | M.W.Lucy,M.N.Kinyanjui and R.P Kiogora | 2016 | Effects of Variable Viscosity on Unsteady Natural Convection Hydromagnetic Flow Past AN Isothermal Sphere | American Journal of Applied Mathematics | 4(6) | 258-270 | 2nd | 2nd |
66 | K.Bah,J.Munga, and A.Waititu | 2016 | Expected Shortfall Estimation Using Extreme Theory | Global Journal of Finance and Management | 8(1) | 75-87 | 2nd | 2nd |
67 | M.J.Kinya,J.Mungatu and A.Waititu | 2016 | Modelling the Impact of Interest Rate Crisis | Global Journal of Finance and Management | 8(2) | 103-117 | 2nd | 2nd |
68 | O.Emmanuel,N.Oscar and O.F.Badu | 2016 | Spatial Modelling Of Diabetes Cases In Ghana | International Journal of Science And Reseach | 5(8) | 1404-1409 | 2nd | 2nd |
69 | E.M.Seck,N.O.Oscar and A.K.Diongue | 2016 | Improving Disease Prevalence Estimates Using Missing Data Techniques | Open Journal Of Statistics | 6 | 1110-1122 | 2nd | 2nd |
70 | D.M.Maithya,M.Kimathi and D.Seck | 2016 | Simulation of Traffic Congestion at Unsignalised Intersections Using a Microscopic Traffic Flow Model | International Journal Of Applied Mathematics Sciences | 9(2) | 197-211 | 2nd | 2nd |
71 | C.K.Syengo,S.Pyeye,G.O.Orwa and R.O Odhiambo | 2016 | Local Polynomial Regression Estimator of the Finite Popuation Total Under Stratified Random Sampling:A Model Based Approach | Open Journal Of Statistics | 6 | 1085-1097 | 2nd | 2nd |
72 | B.W Urge,K.Makambi, and A. Wanjoya | 2016 | Estimating Three-Way Latent Interaction Effects in Structural Equation Modelling | International Journal of Statitics and Probability | 5(6) | 73-84 | ||
73 | P.Ngare and G.O.Orwa | 2016 | A Reduced Form of The Three Factor Commodity | Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics | 12(5) | 4167-4181 | ||
74 | W.M Chacha,C.Njenga and W.Mahera | 2017 | Pricing of a European Call Option Under a Local Volatility Interbank Offered Rate Model | American Journal of Theoritical and Applied Statistics | 6(3) | 151-154 | 2nd | 2nd |
75 | R.Fadonougbo and George O. Orwa | 2017 | Jump Adapted Scheme Of a Non Mark Dependent Jump Diffusion Process With application to the Merton Jump Diffusion Model | International Journal of Statitics and Probability | 6(4) | 001=018 | 2nd | 2nd |
76 | L.Idelphonse | 2017 | Self-Selecting Robust Logistic Regression Model | International Journal of Statitics and Probability | 6(3) | 132-140 | 2nd | 2nd |
77 | O.Emmanuel, | 2017 | Estimating Disease Risk of Diabetes Cases in the Presence Of Underreporting | International Journal of Science And Reseach | 6(3) | 188-197 | 2nd | 2nd |
78 | Kemtim Tamboun Stephane,Romanus Odhiambo Otieno, and ThomasMageto | 2017 | A Multiplicative Bias Correction for Nonparametric Approach and the Two Sample Problem in Sample Survey | Open Journal of Statistics | 7.06 | 1053-1066 | 3rd | 3rd |
79 | Ngassima Fanny Laure,Joseph K.Mungatu,Mbele Bidima Martin | 2017 | Multivariate GARCH Models For Stock Indices Volatility on Securities Exchange | 3rd | 3rd | |||
80 | Ayo Eunice, Anthony Wanjoya, Livingstone Luboobi | 2017 | Statistical Modeling of Malaria Incidences in Apac District, Uganda | Open Journal of Statistics | 7 | 901-919 | 3rd | 3rd |
81 | Tonui Kiplangat Milton, Romanus Otieno Odhiambo,George Otieno Orwa | 2017 | Estimation Of Population Variance Using The Coefficient Of Kurtosis and Median of an Auxiliary Variable Under Simple Random Sampling | 3rd | 3rd | |||
82 | Teferi Dereje Wirtu,Philip Ngare,Ananda Kube | 2017 | Pricing Floating Strike Loolback Put Option Under Heston Stochastic Volatility | 3rd | 3rd | |||
83 | Lamin Kabareh,Thomas Mageto, Benjamin Muema | 2017 | Aprroximation of Finite Population Totals Using Lagrange Polynomial | 3rd | 3rd | |||
84 | Bol A.M. Atem, George O.Orwa and Levi N Mbugua | 2017 | The Odd Kumaraswamy Inverse Weibull Distribution With Application To Survival Data | 3rd | 3rd | |||
85 | Ibrahim Sawadogo, Leo Odongo and Ibrahim Ly | 2017 | Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Parameters of Exponentiated Generalized Weibull Based on Progressive Type II Censored Data. | Open Journal of Statistics | 7.06 | 956-963 | 3rd | 3rd |
86 | Getachew Teshome Tlaihun, Oluwole Daniel Makinde, and David Malonza. | Modelling and Optimal Control of Typhoid Fever Disease With Cost-Effectiveness Strategies | Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine | 2017 | 01-016 | 3rd | 3rd | |
87 | Getachew Teshome Tlaihun, Oluwole Daniel Makinde, and David Malonza. | 2017 | Modelling and Optimal Control of Pneumonia Disease with Cost-Effective Strategies | Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine | 11 | 400-426 | 3rd | 3rd |
88 | I.A.Okello J. R. Akanga A. N. Wali | 2017 | A Special No¨rlund Means and its Spectrum | International Journal of Mathematical Analysis | 11 | 647 - 656 | 3rd | 3rd |
89 | Suleman Nasiru,Peter N.Mwitamand Oscar Ngesa | 2018 | Discuss on Generalized Modified of Inverse Rayleigh | Application Mathematics Information Science | 12 | 113-124 | 3rd | 3rd |
90 | Lema L.Seknewna Peter N. Mwita Benjamin K. Muema | 2018 | Non-parametric Estimation of Conditional Quantile Functions For AR(1)-ARCH(1) Processes | 3rd | 3rd | |||
91 | Mouridi M.Hamidou,Joseph K.Mungatu & George O. Orwa | Return Levels Approach and Periods of Currency Crises | 3rd | 3rd | ||||
92 | Owusu Seth,Akinyi Aduda Jane,Orwa Otieno George | Mathematics Modelling of Ghana Greater Accra Region Population Growth | Scholars Journal of Physics, Mathematics and Statistics | 3rd | 3rd | |||
93 | Kenfac Dogmezo,Paul Brice,Peter N. Mwita Kamga Tchwaket Ignace Roger | Perfomance of Imputation Methods Towards Increasing Percentage of Missing Values | 3rd | 3rd | ||||
94 | Rosemary Jasson Nzobo, Bernard Kivunge,Waweru Kamaku | On Lattice Structure of Cyclic Groups Of Order,The Product of Disticnt Primes | 3rd | 3rd | ||||
95 | Francis Oketch Ochieng,Mathew Ngugi Kinyanjui,Mark Eric Kimathi | Hydromagnetic Jeffery-Hamel Unsteady Flow of a Dissipative Non-Newtonian Fluid with Nonlinear Viscosity and Skin Friction | Global Journal of Pure andApplied Mathematics. | 14(8) | 1101-1119 | 3rd | 3rd | |
96 | Houenafa Alain Togbenon,Mark Eric Kimathi ,Guy Aymard Degla | Modelling Multi-Mutation and Drug Resistance | 3rd | 3rd | ||||
97 | Amos Otieno Oketch,Jeconia Okelo Abonyo ,David Theuri | Taylor Method and Second Order Runge-Kutta Method For Solving a Two- Dimensional First Order Dynamic Equations on Times Scales | 3rd | 3rd | ||||
98 | Memegnon Romuald Tagnon,Cyriaque Atindogbe Augustus Wali | On the Existence of Almost Affinely Flat Structure Induced by Hypersurface Immersion on Connected Compact Manifold | 3rd | 3rd | ||||
99 | Abubakari Abdul Ghaniyyu,Philip Ngare Joseph Mungatu | Pricing Interest Rate Caps and Floors Under the Pearson-Sun Interest Rate Model | 3rd | 3rd | ||||
100 | Kago Edwin Ditlhong,Oscar Owino Ngesa,Abdalla Yusuf Kombo | A Comparative Analysis of Generalized Estimating Equations Methods for Incomplete Longitudinal Ordinal Data with Ignorable Droupouts | 3rd | 3rd | ||||
101 | Claudio C. Kandza-Tadi,Leo O.Odongo Romanus O.Odhiambo | Parameter Estimation of Power Lomax Distribution Based on Type-II Progressively Hybrid Censoring Scheme | 3rd | 3rd | ||||
102 | Edwin Moyo,Antony Gichuhi Waititu,Antony Ngunyi | Modelling The Effects of Trading Volume on Stock Return Volatility Using Conditional Heteroskedastic Models | 3rd | 3rd | ||||
103 | P.B Kenfac Dongmezo,P.N Mwita & I.R.Kamga Tchwaket | Imputation Based Treatment Effect Estimators | 3rd | 3rd | ||||
104 | Micheal Babatunde Oguntola,Mathew Ngugi Kinyanjui,John Agure Ogonji | Effects of Structural Viscoelasticity in Non-Divergence Free Deformable Porous Media with Incompressible Constituents | Global Journal of Pure andApplied Mathematics | 14(8) | 1121-1147 | 3rd | 3rd | |
105 | Nneamaka Judith Ezeagu,George Otieno Orwa,Micheal Johannes Winckler | Transient Analysis of a Finite Capacity M/M/1 Queuing System with Working Breakdowns and Recovery Policies | 3rd | 3rd | ||||
106 | A.A.Onoja,G.O.Orwa & O.O Ngesa | Applying Support Vector Machine and Ada Boost Method to Ordinal Classification Problem | 3rd | 3rd | ||||
107 | Peter N.Mwita,Amga Tchwaket,Ignace Roger | Distributive and Quantile Treatment Effects Using Marginal Distribution of Potential Outcome and Multiple Testing Procedure | 3rd | 3rd | ||||
108 | Mouridi M.Hamidoua,Dr.Joseph K.Mungatu,Prof.George O.Orwa | Alternative Exchange Market Pressure Index Model for Currency Crisis | 3 | 3 | ||||
Irakoze I,Dennis C. Ikpe,Philip Ngare | Robust Optimal Portfolio and Bank Capital Adequacy Management | International Journal ofApplied Mathematical Sciences (JAMS) | 11(1) | 23-39 | ||||
Geoffrey O. Barini,Livingstone M. Ngoo,Ronald M. Waweru | Measuring Fuzzy Specificity Using Fuzzy Unit Hypercube | International Journal of Computing and Optimization | 5(1) | 39-47 | ||||
109 | 2018 | |||||||
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology | ||||||||
115 | Hamba Y., Getachew D., & Kasso M. . | 2014 | Assessment and Identification of Insect Pests on Sweet Oranges (Citrus sinensis) in Tony Farm, Dire Dawa, Ethiopia. | International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research | 12(2) | 509-514 | ||
116 | Tamiru M., Hamba Y., & Ahemad M. | 2014 | Assessment of Heavy Metals and Antibiotic Resistance in Rhizobacteria Isolated from Rhizosphere Soils Contaminated with Tannery Effluents in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. | International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research | 11(2) | 543-550 | ||
117 | Hamba Y | 2016 | Soil microbial communities and enzyme activities under different cropping systems. | Asian Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences | 5(2) | 100-107. | ||
118 | Hamba Y. and Tamiru M. | 2016 | Mycoremediation of Heavy Metals and Hydrocarbons Contaminated Environment. | Asian Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences | 5(2) | 48-58. | ||
109 | Baba Ngom,Ibrahim Sarr,Josphert Kimatu,Edward Mamati &Ndjido Ardo Kane | 2017 | Genome-wide Analysis of Cytosine DNA Methylation Revealed Salicylic Acid Promotes Defense Pathways Over Seedling Development in Pearl Millet. | Plant Signaling & Behavior | 12.9 | 288-293 | 3rd | |
123 | Esperance Umumararungu, Fabien Ntaganda, John Kagira and Naomi Maina | 2017 | Prevalence of Hepatitis C virus infection and its risk Factors among patients attending Rwanda Military Hospital, Rwanda | BioMed Research international | 2017 | 001-007 | ||
127 | Ngaradoum,O,Jm,K.Sm,K,Kipyegon,C.& Maina N.I | 2017 | ||||||
128 | Mokhobo,M.M,Kasili,R.W & Alakonya,A.E. | 20 17 | Establishing Sterilization protocoland shoot induction medium for in vitro regeneration of sweetbriar(Rosa Rubiginosa L.) | African Journal of Biotechnology | 16 | 1267-1269 | ||
129 | Mk,K,Nm,E.&Kariuki,D. | 2017 | Phtochemical Screening,Cytotoxic,Genotoxic and Mutagenic Effects of the Aqueous Extract of Azadirachta Indica Leaves | 5 | 39-44 | |||
110 | Ahmed Bashier,Joel Masanga,Wariara Kariuki and Steven Runo | 2018 | Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) Markers Linked to Drought Tolerant Traits in Selected Sudanese rice(Oryza sativa L.)Genotypes. | African Journal of Biotechnology | 17.2 | 649-659 | 3rd | |
111 | Baba Ngom,Josphert Kimatu,Edward Mamati ,Ndjido Ardo Kane,Mame Fatoumata Goudiaby,Ibrahima Sarr & Diaga Diouf | Methylation Analysis Revealed Salicylic Acid Affects Pearl Millet Defense Through External Cytosine DNA Demethylation | ISSN:1742-9145 | 1742-9153 | 3rd | |||
112 | Baba Ngom,Ibrahim Sarr,Josphert Kimatu & Edward Mamati | Aluminium Toxicity vs Salicylic Acid Effects in Pearl Millet Methlome | ISSN:2320-5407 | 3rd | ||||
113 | Messessi Lucresse Tossou,Venerande Yoffou Ballogou,Julius Maina , Mathiew Gichaha | 2018 | Effect of Calotropis Procera on The Proximate Composition And Potential Toxicity of Wagashi(Traditional Cheese) In Benin | 3rd | ||||
114 | Christabel Muhonja Ndahebwa,Gabriel Magomal,Mabel Imbuga,Huxley Mae Makonde | 2018 | Molecular and Biochemical Characterization of Low Density Poly-Ethene(LDPE)Degrading Bactreia and Fungi From Dandora Dumpsite Nairobi-Kenya | 3rd | ||||
119 | Korir H., *Mungai N. W., Thuita M., Hamba Y. and Masso, C | Co-Inoculation effect of Rhizobia and Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria on Common Bean Growth in a Low Phosphorus Soil. | Frontiers in Plant Science | 8(1) | 141 | |||
120 | Abdulkareem M. Taoheed, Elijah M. Ateka, and Turoop Losenge | 2018 | Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungi Promotes Growth of Tomato Seedlings in the Absence of Phosphate in Nutrient Solution. | Asian Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences | 7(1) | 1-9 | ||
121 | Abdulkareem M. Taoheed, Elijah M. Ateka, and Turoop Losenge | 2018 | Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbiosis Enhances Drought Tolerance in Tomato through Modulation of Host Biochemical and Molecular Responses. | Journal of plant interaction | in press | |||
122 | Colombe Dadjo, Aggrey Benard Nyende, Kolawole Valere Salako, Achille Hounkpevi, and Achille Ephrem Assogbadjo | Socio-economical factors determining conservation and cultivation of Garcinia Kola Heckel- a medicine tree extinct in wild Benin. Economic Botany | (under review) | |||||
124 | Abebe Bizuye,Christine Bii,Gatebe Erastus,Naomi Maina | Antibacterial Metabolite Prospecting from Actinomycetes Isolated from Waste Damped Soils from Thika,Central Part of Kenys | ||||||
125 | Hawa Myovela,Anthony Manoni Mshandete And Samuel Imathiu | Enhancement of Anaerobic Batch Digestion of Spineless Cacti(Opuntia ficus indica)feedstock by Aerobic pre-treatment | ||||||
126 | Emmanuel Munezero,Samuel Imathiu &Munyanganizi Bikoro | Effects of Varying Grilled Sorghum Content on the Quality Parameters of Urwagwa,a Traditional Rwandese Banana-Based Alcoholic Beverage | Journal of Food Research | 7(6) | 1927-0895 | |||
127 | Salome Marlene Morombaye, Mourine Kangogo, Gunturu Revathi, Andrew Nyerere, John Ochora | 2018 | Evaluation of the Antimicrobial Effect of Nepeta cataria and Basella alba against Clinically Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii in Nairobi, Kenya | Advances in Microbiology | 8(10) | 001-014 | 3 | 4 |
128 | PreciousMahlangu,NaomiMaina ,andJohn Kagira | 2018 | Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Antibiogram of Bacteria Isolated from Milk of Goats with Subclinical Mastitis in Thika East Subcounty, Kenya | Hindawi: Journal of Veterinary Medicine | 2018 | 8 | ||
Ⅱ. MSc/PhD Thesis (author, year, title, MSc/PhD thesis of which univ.) of students you supervised | ||||||||
Name of the Student | year | Title of Thesis | Msc/PhD | University | ||||
1 | Kabareh, Lamin. | 2017 | Approximation of Finite Population Totals Using Lagrange Polynomial. | Msc | PAUSTI | |||
2 | Getachew Teshome Tilahun, Oluwole Daniel Makinde, and David Malonza | 2017 | Modelling and Optimal Control of Typhoid Fever Disease with Cost-Effective Strategies” Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine | PhD | PAUSTI | |||
3 | Ngom,Baba | 2017 | Aluminum toxicity vs salicylic acid effects in pearl millet methylome | PhD | PAUSTI | |||
4 | Temalow, Seife Gebreslassie | 2018 | Neuro-Fuzzy Based Adaptive Coding and Modulation for Performance Improvement in OFDM Wireless Systems | Msc | PAUSTI | |||
5 | Atem, Bol Atem Manyuon. | 2018 | On the Odd Kumaraswamy Inverse Weibull Distribution with Application to Survival Data. | Msc | PAUSTI | |||
6 | Milton, Tonui Kiplangat. | 2018 | Estimation of Population Variance Using the Coe cient of Kurtosis and Median of an Auxiliary Variable Under Simple Random Sampling. | Msc | PAUSTI | |||
7 | Tossou, Lucresse Messessi | 2018 | Nutritional Quality And Safety Of Processed Wagashi Cheese Using Calotropis Procera Found In Benin and Kenya | Msc | PAUSTI | |||
8 | Ndahebwa, Christabel Muhonja | 2018 | Isolation and Molecular Characterization of Low Density Poly-ethene Degrading Bacteria and Fungi From Dandora Dumpsite-Nairobi. | PhD | PAUSTI |