Article 20
Boards of Institutes
Each PAU Institute shall have a Board whose mandate shall be to supervise, guide and support the Directorate in the management and administration of the Institute.
The membership of the Board shall consist of the following:
- A Vice Rector of the PAU appointed by the Rector in consultation with the PAU Senate, who will serve as chairperson of the Board;
- The Director of the Institute who will serve as the secretary of the Board;
- Two (2) Coordinators of Programme Departments within the Institute (on rotational basis);
- The Coordinators of all Centres of the Institute (on rotational basis)
- All full-time academic staff of the Institute;
- Two representatives of the Senate of the host University;
- A representative of the Thematic Partner(s) of the Institute (on rotational basis); and
- the Board shall have power to invite other scholars from the host University to attend its meetings in an advisory capacity only and without the right to vote at such meetings.
The Board shall be responsible for the supervision of the academic, administrative, and financial management of the Institute. In this regard, its functions shall include:
- Making recommendations to PAU Senate with regard to the creation of Programme Departments, Research Laboratories and Teaching Programmes; organization of studies, and recruitment and promotion of Research and Teaching Staff in accordance with rules, regulations and guidelines established by the PAU Senate;
- Making recommendations to the Rector for the appointment of non-professorial academic staff;
- Deliberating upon any unanimous assessments made by the Board of Examiners on written research work, projects or similar student presentations and make recommendations thereon to the Senates of the host University and the PAU respectively;
- supervising the Directorate in the areas of:
- Management of personnel, facilities, equipment and finance;
- Planning and budgeting;
- Curriculum development regulations and teaching;
- Research and cooperation;
- Postgraduate theses;
- Research projects;
- Nominations of supervisors for all Master’s and PhD theses; and
- Student affairs.
The Board of each Institute may constitute such committee or working groups, as it deems necessary to assist it in the performance of its duties. notwithstanding the foregoing, the Board shall appoint a Standing Committee on Human Resources responsible for:
- Considering and approving recommendations from Selection Committees for the appointment of non-professorial academic staff;
- Making recommendation to the PAU Senate Standing Committee on Academic Staff on the academic establishment of the Institute;
- Developing annual academic performance reviews for approval by the PAU Senate.