No | Title of the Publication | Name of the Student | Origin of the Publication/Journal/Conference | Month of Publication | Link |
1. | Genetic analysis of grain yield and agronomic traits of quality protein maize inbred lines and their single-cross hybrids under drought stress and well-watered conditions | Godfred Owusu | Ecological Genetics and Genomics | March, 2022 | |
2. | Cross compatibility in intraspecific and interspecific hybridization in yam (Dioscorea spp.) | Jean Mondo | Scientific reports | March, 2022 | |
3. | Selection for resistance to cassava mosaic disease in African cassava germplasm using single nucleotide polymorphism markers | Esperance Codjia | South African Journal of Science | February, 2022 | |
4. | Genetic analysis and yield assessment of maize hybrids under low and optimal nitrogen environments | Isaac Kodzo Amegbor | Heliyon | March, 2022 | |
5. | Comparative Assessment of Effectiveness of Alternative Genotyping Assays for Characterizing Carotenoids Accumulation in Tropical Maize Inbred Lines | Abdoul Raouf Sayadi Maazou | Agronomy (MDPI) | February, 2022 | |
6. | Agronomic performance and combining ability estimates of yellow maize inbred lines under adequate and deficit moisture conditions | Isaac Amegbor | Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology | March, 2022 | |
7. | Association mapping of plant sex and cross-compatibility related traits in white Guinea yam (Dioscorearotundata Poir.) clones | Jean M. Mondo | BMC Plant Biology | June 2022 | |
8. | Baseline study of growers’ constraints in the production of apple (Malus domestica) in Plateau State Nigeria | E. A. Akintunde | Agriculture & Food Security | March 2022 | |
9. | Inorganic geochemistry and hydrocarbon potential of the Voltaian Basin of Ghana, West Africa | Mahamuda Abu | Marine and Petroleum Geology | July 2022 | |
10. | Suitability of testers to characterize pro-vitamin a content and agronomic performance of tropical maize inbred lines | Abdoul Raouf Sayadi Maazou | Frontiers in Genetics | August, 2022 | |
11. | Barriers and adaptation strategies to climate change among farming households in Guinea Savanna | Demba Aïssata Samoura | Journal of Applied and Natural Science | July 2022 | |
12. | Optimizing use of U.S. Ex-PVP inbred lines for enhancing agronomic performance of tropical Striga resistant maize inbred lines | Abdoul Raouf Sayadi Maazou | BMC Plant Biology | June, 2022 | |
13. | Genomic Analysis of Resistance to Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) in CIMMYT Maize Lines | Isaac Kamweru | Genes (MDPI) | January, 2022 | |
14. | FIELD PERFORMANCE OF Shrunken-2 MAIZE HYBRIDS AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH GENETIC DISTANCE OF THEIR INBRED PARENTS | O.O. Oladejo | African Crop Science Journal, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 101 - 114 | February, 2022 | |
15. | Optimum time for hand pollination in yam (Dioscorea spp.) | Jean M. Mondo | PLOS One | August, 2022 | |
16. | Taro in West Africa: Status, challenges and opportunities | Joy Jesumeda Oladimeji | Agronomy | September, 2022 | |
17. | Combining Ability and Heritability of Yield Components of Segregating Population of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) | Vincent Ochieng Otieno | American Journal of Agriculture and Forestry | October 2022 | |
18. | Biotechnology Approaches in Breeding for Biotic Stress Resistance in Yam (Dioscorea spp.) | Jean M. Mondo | In: Genomic Designing for Biotic Stress Resistant Technical Crops pp 583–616 | October, 2022 |