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The Institute of Governance, Humanities and Social Sciences of the Pan African University (African Union Commission), PAUGHSS, hosted by the University of Yaoundé II, as per its mandate aligning with the African Union Agenda 2063 to train young Africans who can transform the continent, each year trains students in innovation and entrepreneurship. This year, the Pan African University Institute organized its innovative training program for its students at the University of Buea from the 19th to the 22nd of December, 2023.  Like in the past years, the main goal is to instill in the students the fact that you do not need to be a business student in order to create and run a business successfully. It also focuses on the diversification of life chances for students.  The specific objectives of the training are thus multifaceted; 

  • To motivate young people who are not business oriented students to develop an entrepreneurial mindset.
  • To equip them with the basic knowledge and practical skills required to engage in some form of Business Creation - self-employment in a scientific and professional manner.
  • To create awareness among the students of how their own qualities and latent skills can help them to acquire entrepreneurial abilities so as to launch and run their own businesses.
  • To create the feeling of self confidence in students and to empower them with business start up ideas.

The content is very exciting and enriching and contains innovative entrepreneurial modules such as;

  • Business Idea Identification
  • Developing an Innovative Business Model-The Business Model Canvas (BMC)
  • Design Thinking/Stakeholder Theory
  • “Prototyping” and Market Development
  • Forming a Start Up Team
  • Developing a Business Plan
  • Financing the Business
  • Costing, Pricing and Budgeting
  • Legal Considerations
  • Communicating with various stakeholders- Stakeholders Engagement
  • Investment Pitching, etc.

All of the above create the entrepreneurial mindsets in the participants making them think business as a way of life. This is an excellent philosophy which builds talents for the future of Africa since the entire world is about business. It is innovative businesses that create wealth.  

The second part of the training usually involves professional pitching competition among the winning groups in Yaoundé. During the last two editions, students of the Buea Campus of PAUGHSS have always been at the top.

For further information, please contact:

Ms. Claudette Chancelle BILAMPASSI MOUTSATSI |

PAU Communication Officer| Department of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation| African Union Commission| E-mail:| Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.