Construction and furnishing of administrative building for the Pan African University Ibadan

As part of their contribution in the advancement of the Pan African University, African Union’s higher education flagship project, AU Member States hosting Pan African University Institutes across the continent agreed to provide land and buildings for the institutes.
The Government of Nigeria is currently constructing and furnishing an administrative building for PAULESI, thereby keeping a promise made in 2013. The construction work that kicked-off in August 2020, are expected to be delivered by end of February- early March 2021.
On 16 November 2020, an HRST Delegation led by the Commissioner for Human Resources Science and Technology and including the Director for HRST, Dr. Mahama Ouedraogo, the Human Resource Officer, Ms. Sonia Sidibe, the Interim Deputy Rector of PAU, Prof. Kassa Belay and PAU Communication Officer, Ms. Chancelle Bilampassi, visited the construction site of PAULESI administrative building. The Commissioner appreciated the progress made so far and will surely come back for the official inauguration of the building.
Donated by the Government of Nigeria, this building is constructed by Rear Breeds Global Services LTD. According to the Contractor’s progress report, the first phase of the project is 100% completed. The second phase is 70% completed and the last phases including plumbing, electricity and furnishing are yet to be started. This building is part of a series of buildings to be constructed for PAULESI. In order to turn this ambition into reality, the institute plans to organize a fund-raising campaign to help complete this project.
Chancelle Bilampassi Moutsatsi
PAU Communication Officer