The Pan African University (PAU) is the culmination of continental initiatives of the Commission of the African Union to revitalize higher education and research in Africa, under the Second Decade of Education for Africa and the consolidated Plan of Action of Science and Technology for Africa. It will exemplify excellence, enhance the attractiveness and global competitiveness of African higher education and research and establish the African University at the core of Africa's development.
Article sur le professeur MAGOMA
En fin 2019, l'Université panafricaine a lancé le recrutement de directeurs pour ses quatre instituts. A l'issue de cette procédure, PAUGHSS et PAULESI ont chacun eu un nouveau directeur, tandis qu'à PAUSTI, le professeur MAGOMA a été reconduit dans…
Article on Professor MAGOMA
In late 2019, the Pan African University launched the recruitment of Directors for its four institutes. At the end of this procedure, PAUGHSS and PAULESI got each a new Director, while in PAUSTI, Professor MAGOMA was reconducted. After going through…

The Rectorate is responsible for the daily management of the PAU and is headed by the Rector who is the Chief Executive Officer of the PAU.
At the Malabo Summit held in June 2015, African Heads of State and Government adopted Decision EX.CL/Dec.829 to host the Rectorate of the Panafrican University. Following this decision, a high level panel was set up by Decision EX.CL/Dec.829 (XXV) to designate the country that will host the PAU Rectorate. Considering the report by this panel, the Executive Council selected Cameroon as host country and recommended the designation of Cameroon by the Ordinary session of the African Union Assembly who endorsed the selection in January 2016.
The Pan African University is a flagship project of the African Union